Free Drop-in Weekend January 18 and 19

Drop-in visits to our STEAM Play Space are free January 18 and 19, 2025!


So Much To Do

Our STEAM Play Space has a variety of educational and building toys, 3D printer demos, a computer lab, and free wifi for the parents!

Options may include LEGO, LEGO Motors, K’NexZome math building toysAnker architectural building blocksKapla blocks, Minecraft (subject to availability of computer labs)


The ideal age for our STEAM Play Space is ages 5 and up. We have a toddler area for younger guests but we can’t guarantee that they won’t find a LEGO on the floor so we encourage parents to keep a close eye on our smallest guests.

Click here for a social story about visiting Einstein’s Workshop.


Family pricing: $20 for the first child, $5 for each additional child.

Adults, and children 2 and under, accompanying at least one paying guest, are free!

Individual pricing: $20 per person.


Students who are taking a class with us are welcome to arrive early and stay after class to enjoy playing in our STEAM Play Space. Parents do need to accompany students in the STEAM Play Space outside class time. Siblings accompanied by a parent are always welcome to play in our STEAM Play Space while their sibling is taking a class.

Weekends in the 2024-2025 School Year That We are Closed

Before and after February Break:  February 15-26 & 22-23

Before and after April Break:  April 19-20 & 26-27

There are no drop-ins during Summer Camp from June 14 – September 7.