Einstein’s Workshop is seeking to create fun T-shirts, in partnership with our community, that we can give away to students and sell in our store. We want to feature your art on our T-shirts!
Step 1: Draw a T-Shirt Design.
Step 2: Fill out an entry form.
Step 3: Submit your work!

You can email your artwork to:
You can also mail or bring your artwork to:
25 Adams St, Burlington MA 01803
T-Shirt Design Contest FAQ
Who Can Submit Artwork?
Anyone and everyone! Feel free to submit more than one design. Adults and children are welcome to enter!
Important Dates
The contest will be judged by Einstein’s Workshop Staff. Entries are due by May 1, 2025. Any winner(s) will be notified by the end of May.
Any winning entrant will receive a T-shirt with their design, a month-long family drop-in membership, and will be honored on our Facebook and Instagram!
Design Guidelines
- Einstein’s Workshop is seeking single color drawings (black/white preferred)
- The back should be white or transparent.
- Please limit shading.
- Paper or digital submissions are welcome.
- Please ensure all submissions are your own, original, creative work.
Use of Text
- Text is not required, but submissions may include hand-written text or fonts of your choice.
- Please ensure included text is not subject to copyright or trademark.
- You may use any font in the public domain. Links to Bitter and Kadwa, two open-source fonts used frequently by Einstein’s Workshop, are provided below.
Download Bitter: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Bitter
Download Kadwa: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Kadwa
- You may use any font in the public domain. Links to Bitter and Kadwa, two open-source fonts used frequently by Einstein’s Workshop, are provided below.
How to Submit your Work
Paper artwork can be submitted by completing an entry form and malling (or bringing) the work to:
25 Adams St., Burlington, MA 01803
Digital work can be submitted by completing an entry form and emailing your file(s) to:
- All files should be PNGs or JPEGs.
- Please use the following file name format: Firstname_Lastname_Artworkname
Terms and Conditions
All entries must be your own, original, creative work. Any winning entrant must submit all files/materials required for reproduction and complete an entry form. Submissions become the property of Einstein’s Workshop.